Guide Gene

Gene ID
Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803
Platform ID
Probable polysaccharide ABC transporter ATP binding subunit

Coexpressed Gene Network

Gene ID Description Information
sll0922 unknown protein
sll5041 putative transposase [ISY523u: 38789 - 39659]
slr0077 cysteine desulfurase
slr0912 unknown protein
slr0982 probable polysaccharide ABC transporter ATP binding subunit
slr0983 glucose-1-phosphate cytidylyltransferase
slr0984 CDP-glucose 4,6-dehydratase
slr1064 probable glycosyltransferase
slr1065 probable glycosyltransferase
slr1068 hypothetical protein
slr1122 hypothetical protein
slr1614 hypothetical protein
slr1615 perosamine synthetase
slr1616 unknown protein
slr1617 similar to UDP-glucose 4-epimerase
slr1618 unknown protein
slr1619 hypothetical protein
slr1822 endonuclease III
slr6097 type I site-specific deoxyribonuclease
ssr1600 similar to anti-sigma f factor antagonist
ssr2615 hypothetical protein