Guide Gene

Gene ID
Marchantia polymorpha
Platform ID
[PTHR22835] ZINC FINGER FYVE DOMAIN CONTAINING PROTEIN; [GO:0046872] metal ion binding; [PF01363] FYVE zinc finger

Coexpressed Gene Network

Gene ID Description Information
Mapoly0001s0514 [PF01602] Adaptin N terminal region; [GO:0016192] vesicle-mediated transport; [KOG1059] Vesicle coat complex AP-3, delta subunit; [K12396] AP-3 complex subunit delta-1; [GO:0006886] intracellular protein transport; [GO:0030117] membrane coat; [PTHR22781] DELTA ADAPTIN-RELATED
Mapoly0008s0106 [PF13716] Divergent CRAL/TRIO domain; [KOG2633] Hismacro and SEC14 domain-containing proteins; [PF01661] Macro domain; [PTHR11106] GANGLIOSIDE INDUCED DIFFERENTIATION ASSOCIATED PROTEIN 2-RELATED
Mapoly0014s0125 [KOG0446] Vacuolar sorting protein VPS1, dynamin, and related proteins; [PF02212] Dynamin GTPase effector domain; [PF00350] Dynamin family; [PTHR11566] DYNAMIN; [GO:0003924] GTPase activity; [GO:0005525] GTP binding; [PF01031] Dynamin central region
Mapoly0016s0186 [PF00676] Dehydrogenase E1 component; [GO:0055114] oxidation-reduction process; [GO:0006099] tricarboxylic acid cycle; [] Oxoglutarate dehydrogenase (succinyl-transferring).; [GO:0030976] thiamine pyrophosphate binding; [GO:0008152] metabolic process; [PF02779] Transketolase, pyrimidine binding domain; [K00164] 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase E1 component [EC:]; [GO:0004591] oxoglutarate dehydrogenase (succinyl-transferring) activity; [PTHR23152] 2-OXOGLUTARATE DEHYDROGENASE; [GO:0016624] oxidoreductase activity, acting on the aldehyde or oxo group of donors, disulfide as acceptor; [KOG0450] 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase, E1 subunit
Mapoly0029s0087 [PF00168] C2 domain; [PF02893] GRAM domain; [GO:0005515] protein binding; [PTHR23319:SF10] gb def: Hypothetical protein ZC328.3; [KOG1032] Uncharacterized conserved protein, contains GRAM domain; [PTHR23319] UNCHARACTERIZED
Mapoly0029s0154 [K02183] calmodulin; [PTHR23050] CALCIUM BINDING PROTEIN; [PF13499] EF-hand domain pair; [GO:0005509] calcium ion binding; [KOG0027] Calmodulin and related proteins (EF-Hand superfamily)
Mapoly0034s0106 [PTHR15574] WD REPEAT DOMAIN-CONTAINING FAMILY; [GO:0005515] protein binding; [KOG1334] WD40 repeat protein; [PF00400] WD domain, G-beta repeat
Mapoly0034s0115 [GO:0000166] nucleotide binding; [PF00702] haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase; [KOG0204] Calcium transporting ATPase; [PTHR24093] FAMILY NOT NAMED; [PF00690] Cation transporter/ATPase, N-terminus; [PF00689] Cation transporting ATPase, C-terminus; [GO:0046872] metal ion binding; [PF00122] E1-E2 ATPase
Mapoly0037s0125 [PF00168] C2 domain; [PF12357] Phospholipase D C terminal; [GO:0005515] protein binding; [PTHR18896] PHOSPHOLIPASE D; [PF00614] Phospholipase D Active site motif; [GO:0008152] metabolic process; [GO:0003824] catalytic activity; [] Phospholipase D.; [K01115] phospholipase D [EC:]; [KOG1329] Phospholipase D1
Mapoly0039s0032 [PTHR22999] PX SERINE/THREONINE KINASE (PXK); [PF00787] PX domain; [PF02194] PXA domain; [KOG2101] Intermediate filament-like protein, sorting nexins, and related proteins containing PX (PhoX) domain(s); [GO:0035091] phosphatidylinositol binding; [PF08628] Sorting nexin C terminal
Mapoly0039s0051 [PF00564] PB1 domain; [GO:0005515] protein binding; [PF00569] Zinc finger, ZZ type; [GO:0008270] zinc ion binding; [PTHR20930:SF0] SUBFAMILY NOT NAMED; [PTHR20930] OVARIAN CARCINOMA ANTIGEN CA125-RELATED
Mapoly0052s0129 [GO:0003743] translation initiation factor activity; [PF01253] Translation initiation factor SUI1; [KOG1770] Translation initiation factor 1 (eIF-1/SUI1); [K03113] translation initiation factor eIF-1; [GO:0006413] translational initiation; [PTHR10388] EUKARYOTIC TRANSLATION INITIATION FACTOR SUI1
Mapoly0053s0010 [PTHR22835] ZINC FINGER FYVE DOMAIN CONTAINING PROTEIN; [GO:0046872] metal ion binding; [PF01363] FYVE zinc finger
Mapoly0053s0032 [KOG0569] Permease of the major facilitator superfamily; [PF00083] Sugar (and other) transporter; [GO:0016021] integral to membrane; [GO:0055085] transmembrane transport; [GO:0022857] transmembrane transporter activity; [K08150] MFS transporter, SP family, solute carrier family 2 (myo-inositol transporter), member 13; [PTHR24063] FAMILY NOT NAMED
Mapoly0060s0108 [PTHR31728] FAMILY NOT NAMED
Mapoly0061s0015 [PF04389] Peptidase family M28; [PTHR12147:SF14] UNCHARACTERIZED; [KOG2194] Aminopeptidases of the M20 family; [PTHR12147] FXNA-RELATED
Mapoly0065s0073 [KOG0010] Ubiquitin-like protein; [PTHR10677:SF3] UBIQUITIN FAMILY PROTEIN; [GO:0005515] protein binding; [PTHR10677] UBIQUILIN; [PF00627] UBA/TS-N domain; [PF00240] Ubiquitin family; [K04523] ubiquilin
Mapoly0096s0009 [PTHR10774] EXTENDED SYNAPTOTAGMIN-RELATED; [PF00168] C2 domain; [GO:0005515] protein binding
Mapoly0115s0057 -
Mapoly0138s0029 [PF14009] Domain of unknown function (DUF4228)
Mapoly0164s0009 [GO:0016020] membrane; [GO:0006486] protein glycosylation; [PF00852] Glycosyltransferase family 10 (fucosyltransferase); [K00753] glycoprotein 3-alpha-L-fucosyltransferase [EC:]; [GO:0008417] fucosyltransferase activity; [PTHR11929] ALPHA-(1,3)-FUCOSYLTRANSFERASE; [] Glycoprotein 3-alpha-L-fucosyltransferase.