Guide Gene

Gene ID
Marchantia polymorpha
Platform ID

Coexpressed Gene Network

Gene ID Description Information
Mapoly0001s0410 [GO:0016020] membrane; [PTHR11929:SF5] GB DEF: ALPHA-(1,4)-FUCOSYLTRANSFERASE (EC 2.4.1.-) (FT4-M) (GALACTOSIDE 3(4)- L-FUCOSYL; [GO:0006486] protein glycosylation; [PF00852] Glycosyltransferase family 10 (fucosyltransferase); [K14412] alpha-1,4-fucosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-]; [GO:0008417] fucosyltransferase activity; [PTHR11929] ALPHA-(1,3)-FUCOSYLTRANSFERASE; [KOG2619] Fucosyltransferase; [2.4.1.-] Hexosyltransferases.
Mapoly0008s0244 [GO:0016758] transferase activity, transferring hexosyl groups; [PF00201] UDP-glucoronosyl and UDP-glucosyl transferase; [PTHR11926] GLUCOSYL/GLUCURONOSYL TRANSFERASES; [GO:0008152] metabolic process; [KOG1192] UDP-glucuronosyl and UDP-glucosyl transferase
Mapoly0010s0032 -
Mapoly0010s0033 [GO:0008168] methyltransferase activity; [PF03492] SAM dependent carboxyl methyltransferase; [PTHR31009] S-ADENOSYL-L-METHIONINE:CARBOXYL METHYLTRANSFERASE FAMILY PROTEIN
Mapoly0010s0184 [GO:0005506] iron ion binding; [KOG0156] Cytochrome P450 CYP2 subfamily; [GO:0055114] oxidation-reduction process; [GO:0016705] oxidoreductase activity, acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen; [GO:0020037] heme binding; [PTHR24298] FAMILY NOT NAMED; [PF00067] Cytochrome P450
Mapoly0015s0178 -
Mapoly0024s0020 [PF03018] Dirigent-like protein
Mapoly0024s0067 [PTHR19375] HEAT SHOCK PROTEIN 70KDA; [KOG0100] Molecular chaperones GRP78/BiP/KAR2, HSP70 superfamily; [PF00012] Hsp70 protein
Mapoly0027s0101 [PTHR22763:SF2] RING ZINC FINGER PROTEIN; [GO:0005515] protein binding; [PF13639] Ring finger domain; [GO:0008270] zinc ion binding; [PTHR22763] RING ZINC FINGER PROTEIN
Mapoly0029s0032 [PF12796] Ankyrin repeats (3 copies); [PTHR24198] ANKYRIN REPEAT AND PROTEIN KINASE DOMAIN-CONTAINING PROTEIN
Mapoly0029s0107 [PTHR10161] TARTRATE-RESISTANT ACID PHOSPHATASE TYPE 5; [K14379] tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase type 5 [EC:]; [PF00149] Calcineurin-like phosphoesterase; [GO:0016787] hydrolase activity; [KOG2679] Purple (tartrate-resistant) acid phosphatase; [] Acid phosphatase.
Mapoly0039s0006 [PF13716] Divergent CRAL/TRIO domain
Mapoly0039s0051 [PF00564] PB1 domain; [GO:0005515] protein binding; [PF00569] Zinc finger, ZZ type; [GO:0008270] zinc ion binding; [PTHR20930:SF0] SUBFAMILY NOT NAMED; [PTHR20930] OVARIAN CARCINOMA ANTIGEN CA125-RELATED
Mapoly0043s0070 -
Mapoly0054s0107 -
Mapoly0062s0033 [PTHR24412] FAMILY NOT NAMED; [GO:0005515] protein binding; [PF01344] Kelch motif
Mapoly0070s0062 [PF02797] Chalcone and stilbene synthases, C-terminal domain; [GO:0009058] biosynthetic process; [PF00195] Chalcone and stilbene synthases, N-terminal domain; [GO:0016746] transferase activity, transferring acyl groups; [PTHR11877] HYDROXYMETHYLGLUTARYL-COA SYNTHASE
Mapoly0075s0026 [KOG3319] Predicted membrane protein; [GO:0016021] integral to membrane; [PF04061] ORMDL family; [PTHR12665] ORMDL PROTEINS
Mapoly0176s0013 [GO:0016020] membrane; [GO:0005524] ATP binding; [PF08370] Plant PDR ABC transporter associated; [GO:0016887] ATPase activity; [PTHR19241] ATP-BINDING CASSETTE TRANSPORTER; [PF01061] ABC-2 type transporter; [PF14510] ABC-transporter extracellular N-terminal; [KOG0065] Pleiotropic drug resistance proteins (PDR1-15), ABC superfamily; [PF00005] ABC transporter
Mapoly0190s0017 [GO:0016758] transferase activity, transferring hexosyl groups; [PF00201] UDP-glucoronosyl and UDP-glucosyl transferase; [PTHR11926] GLUCOSYL/GLUCURONOSYL TRANSFERASES; [GO:0008152] metabolic process; [KOG1192] UDP-glucuronosyl and UDP-glucosyl transferase
Mapoly0191s0003 [PTHR31403] FAMILY NOT NAMED; [PF01764] Lipase (class 3); [KOG4569] Predicted lipase; [GO:0006629] lipid metabolic process