Guide Gene

Gene ID
Marchantia polymorpha
Platform ID
[PTHR24413] FAMILY NOT NAMED; [PF00651] BTB/POZ domain; [GO:0005515] protein binding

Coexpressed Gene Network

Gene ID Description Information
Mapoly0001s0244 [PTHR24413] FAMILY NOT NAMED; [PF00651] BTB/POZ domain; [GO:0005515] protein binding
Mapoly0012s0180 [PTHR15572] GLIOMA TUMOR SUPPRESSOR CANDIDATE REGION GENE 1; [PF15249] Glioma tumor suppressor candidate region
Mapoly0020s0116 [K06234] Ras-related protein Rab-23; [GO:0007264] small GTPase mediated signal transduction; [PTHR24073] FAMILY NOT NAMED; [PF00071] Ras family; [KOG4252] GTP-binding protein; [PTHR24073:SF209] SUBFAMILY NOT NAMED; [GO:0005525] GTP binding
Mapoly0021s0031 [KOG0645] WD40 repeat protein; [PTHR10971] MRNA EXPORT FACTOR AND BUB3; [GO:0005515] protein binding; [PTHR10971:SF2] WD REPEAT-CONTAINING PROTEIN 92; [PF00400] WD domain, G-beta repeat
Mapoly0023s0122 -
Mapoly0029s0103 [GO:0005524] ATP binding; [PF00069] Protein kinase domain; [GO:0004672] protein kinase activity; [KOG0616] cAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit (PKA); [PTHR24353] CYCLIC NUCLEOTIDE-DEPENDENT PROTEIN KINASE; [GO:0006468] protein phosphorylation; [PF00027] Cyclic nucleotide-binding domain
Mapoly0037s0121 [PF14259] RNA recognition motif (a.k.a. RRM, RBD, or RNP domain)
Mapoly0041s0127 [KOG0286] G-protein beta subunit; [GO:0005515] protein binding; [PTHR22847] WD40 REPEAT PROTEIN; [PF00400] WD domain, G-beta repeat
Mapoly0064s0051 -
Mapoly0065s0082 -
Mapoly0071s0102 [PF03645] Tctex-1 family; [PTHR21255:SF7] SUBFAMILY NOT NAMED; [PTHR21255] T-COMPLEX-ASSOCIATED-TESTIS-EXPRESSED 1/ DYNEIN LIGHT CHAIN; [KOG4108] Dynein light chain
Mapoly0093s0043 -
Mapoly0094s0075 [KOG2819] Uncharacterized conserved protein; [PF03676] Uncharacterised protein family (UPF0183); [PTHR13465] UPF0183 PROTEIN
Mapoly0105s0058 [PF13855] Leucine rich repeat; [GO:0005515] protein binding; [PTHR24365] TOLL-LIKE RECEPTOR; [PF00612] IQ calmodulin-binding motif
Mapoly0111s0057 [PF13865] C-terminal duplication domain of Friend of PRMT1
Mapoly0123s0019 -
Mapoly0126s0040 [PTHR11062] EXOSTOSIN (HEPARAN SULFATE GLYCOSYLTRANSFERASE)-RELATED; [KOG1021] Acetylglucosaminyltransferase EXT1/exostosin 1; [PF03016] Exostosin family
Mapoly0132s0047 [GO:0016020] membrane; [PF03254] Xyloglucan fucosyltransferase; [GO:0042546] cell wall biogenesis; [GO:0008107] galactoside 2-alpha-L-fucosyltransferase activity; [PTHR31889] FAMILY NOT NAMED
Mapoly0173s0011 [PF00183] Hsp90 protein; [GO:0005524] ATP binding; [GO:0006950] response to stress; [KOG0020] Endoplasmic reticulum glucose-regulated protein (GRP94/endoplasmin), HSP90 family; [PF02518] Histidine kinase-, DNA gyrase B-, and HSP90-like ATPase; [GO:0006457] protein folding; [K04079] molecular chaperone HtpG; [PTHR11528] HEAT SHOCK PROTEIN 90; [GO:0051082] unfolded protein binding
Mapoly0179s0021 [PTHR24089] FAMILY NOT NAMED; [PF00153] Mitochondrial carrier protein; [KOG0749] Mitochondrial ADP/ATP carrier proteins; [K05863] solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier; adenine nucleotide translocator)
Mapoly0198s0008 [GO:0006355] regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent; [GO:0005667] transcription factor complex; [GO:0003700] sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activity; [PF02319] E2F/DP family winged-helix DNA-binding domain; [PTHR12081:SF7] TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR E2F; [PTHR12081] TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR E2F