Guide Gene

Gene ID
Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803
Platform ID
Molybdopterin (MPT) converting factor, subunit 2

Coexpressed Gene List

Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803
Rank Gene ID Description MR PCC
Guide slr0903 Molybdopterin (MPT) converting factor, subunit 2 0.00 1.0000
1 slr1436 Unknown protein 4.58 0.7685
2 slr1166 UDP-glucose:tetrahydrobiopterin glucosyltransferase 5.83 0.7750
3 slr0902 Molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis protein C, fused to molybdopterin-guanine dinucleotide biosynthesis protein MobA 6.00 0.7130
4 sll1909 Probable methyltransferase 6.40 0.7911
5 sll1005 MazG protein homolog 9.80 0.7609
6 slr0496 Unknown protein 11.83 0.7364
7 slr0901 Molybdopterin biosynthesis protein A 12.65 0.7075
8 smr0013 Hypothetical protein 12.65 0.7215
9 slr2001 Cyanophycinase 16.06 0.7349
10 sll1612 Folylpolyglutamate synthase 18.38 0.7059
11 slr1794 Probable anion transporting ATPase 19.97 0.7227
12 sll1624 Two-component response regulator 20.20 0.6403
13 slr0527 Transcription regulator ExsB homolog 25.22 0.7061
14 sll1453 Nitrate/nitrite transport system ATP-binding protein 25.69 0.6433
15 sll0209 Hypothetical protein 30.40 0.7035
16 sll1531 Unknown protein 30.58 0.7069
17 slr0553 Hypothetical protein 31.75 0.6615
18 sll1452 Nitrate/nitrite transport system ATP-binding protein 31.94 0.6331
19 sll1631 Putative cytidine and deoxycytidylate deaminase 32.17 0.6409
20 slr0806 Hypothetical protein 33.41 0.6605
21 sll1454 Ferredoxin-nitrate reductase 33.91 0.6379
22 sll0381 Hypothetical protein 35.50 0.6058
23 sll1629 Bacterial cryptochrome 38.96 0.6251
24 sll1299 Acetate kinase 45.28 0.5973
25 slr0550 Dihydrodipicolinate synthase 45.51 0.6527
26 slr0169 Hypothetical protein 47.12 0.6871
27 sll0927 S-adenosylmethionine synthetase 50.67 0.6607
28 sll2014 Sugar fermentation stimulation protein 56.87 0.5984
29 sll1772 DNA mismatch repair protein MutS 57.27 0.6505
30 sll0383 Cobalamin biosynthesis protein M 57.45 0.6045
31 slr0072 Glucose inhibited division protein B 57.58 0.6072
32 sll1277 RecF protein 59.46 0.6236
33 slr0213 GMP synthetase 59.87 0.6348
34 slr0557 Valyl-tRNA synthetase 60.97 0.6481
35 sll0736 Hypothetical protein 61.32 0.6067
36 sll0375 Unknown protein 62.48 0.6304
37 sll0786 Unknown protein 63.05 0.5647
38 ssr3000 Hypothetical protein 63.17 0.6195
39 slr0401 Periplasmic polyamine-binding protein of ABC transporter 65.81 0.5856
40 sll1830 Unknown protein 65.99 0.5841
41 slr1510 Fatty acid/phospholipid synthesis protein PlsX 69.46 0.6183
42 sll1530 Unknown protein 71.97 0.6171
43 slr1349 Glucose-6-phosphate isomerase 73.67 0.6359
44 slr1331 Periplasmic processing protease 73.86 0.6325
45 slr1229 Sulfate permease 77.48 0.6339
46 sll1473 A part of phytochrome-like sensor histidine kinase gene (disrupted by insertion of IS) 78.71 0.5859
47 sll1450 Nitrate/nitrite transport system substrate-binding protein 80.01 0.5791
48 slr1423 UDP-N-acetylmuramate-alanine ligase 80.54 0.6026
49 slr0427 Putative competence-damage protein 81.90 0.6366
50 sll1471 Phycobilisome rod-core linker polypeptide 84.95 0.5507
51 ssl0431 Unknown protein 87.33 0.5850
52 slr0056 Chlorophyll a synthase 88.05 0.6077
53 sll1924 CAMP receptor protein sycrp1 homolog 88.09 0.5414
54 sll1451 Nitrate/nitrite transport system permease protein 88.30 0.5730
55 sll1557 Succinyl-CoA synthetase alpha chain 97.44 0.5396
56 sll0177 Hypothetical protein 97.44 0.6034
57 slr0899 Cyanate lyase 98.04 0.5903
58 slr1227 Chloroplastic outer envelope membrane protein homolog 99.02 0.5917
59 sll1699 Oligopeptide-binding protein of oligopeptide ABC transporter 100.02 0.6059
60 slr0119 Hypothetical protein 100.28 0.5493
61 ssl2542 High light-inducible polypeptide HliA, CAB/ELIP/HLIP superfamily 102.76 0.6022
62 sll1395 DTDP-6-deoxy-L-mannose-dehydrogenase 108.07 0.5928
63 slr1746 Glutamate racemase 109.15 0.5650
64 slr0900 Molybdopterin biosynthesis MoeA protein 112.43 0.5613
65 slr0655 Hypothetical protein 113.74 0.5875
66 ssr1789 CAB/ELIP/HLIP-related protein HliD 115.42 0.5623
67 sll0385 ATP-binding protein of ABC transporter 118.07 0.5743
68 sll1043 Polyribonucleotide nucleotidyltransferase 125.46 0.5402
69 slr1795 Peptide methionine sulfoxide reductase 126.48 0.5511
70 sll1742 Transcription antitermination protein NusG 126.50 0.5846
71 sll0398 Deoxyguanosinetriphosphate triphosphohydrolase 126.65 0.6057
72 slr0399 Chaperon-like protein for quinone binding in photosystem II 126.94 0.5887
73 sll1709 3-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein reductase 131.29 0.5390
74 slr0479 Hypothetical protein 131.86 0.6028
75 sll0175 Hypothetical protein 132.21 0.5268
76 slr1720 Aspartyl-tRNA synthetase 133.44 0.5869
77 sll0518 Unknown protein 133.55 0.5926
78 slr1509 Membrane subunit of a Ktr-like ion transport system 135.00 0.5783
79 slr0083 RNA helicase Light 135.90 0.5647
80 sll0479 Unknown protein 136.38 0.5857
81 sll0565 Hypothetical protein 136.92 0.5389
82 slr0743 Similar to N utilization substance protein 138.39 0.5316
83 slr1679 Hypothetical protein 138.91 0.5671
84 sll1870 ATP-binding protein of ABC transporter 139.06 0.5537
85 sll0228 Arginase 140.87 0.5541
86 sll1558 Mannose-1-phosphate guanyltransferase 143.61 0.5177
87 sll0237 Unknown protein 143.77 0.5619
88 sll0384 Unknown protein 144.65 0.5475
89 sll1663 Phycocyanin alpha phycocyanobilin lyase related protein 146.70 0.5596
90 slr0898 Ferredoxin--nitrite reductase 148.07 0.5531
91 sll5044 Unknown protein 150.04 0.5069
92 slr1874 D-alanine--D-alanine ligase 151.56 0.5872
93 sll1879 Two-component response regulator 152.14 0.5678
94 slr1975 N-acylglucosamine 2-epimerase 153.36 0.5444
95 sll0855 Putative channel transporter 155.74 0.5845
96 slr1201 Urea transport system permease protein 158.64 0.5204
97 sll0382 Hypothetical protein 159.08 0.4959
98 slr1552 Unknown protein 160.44 0.5491
99 sll0494 Unknown protein 165.06 0.5409
100 slr1472 Hypothetical protein 165.58 0.5484
101 sll1789 RNA polymerase beta prime subunit 165.95 0.5308
102 sll1174 Unknown protein 167.76 0.4745
103 ssl1792 Hypothetical protein 168.14 0.4939
104 slr1330 ATP synthase epsilon chain of CF(1) 169.12 0.5387
105 sll1743 50S ribosomal protein L11 170.15 0.5455
106 slr2002 Cyanophycin synthetase 170.84 0.5044
107 slr1299 UDP-glucose dehydrogenase 171.09 0.5659
108 sll1206 Ferric aerobactin receptor, FhuA homolog 171.17 0.4348
109 sll0815 Unknown protein 171.95 0.5078
110 ssl0467 Unknown protein 173.90 0.5210
111 slr1844 Excinuclease ABC subunit A 175.98 0.5297
112 ssl5045 Unknown protein 177.17 0.5072
113 sll0273 Na+/H+ antiporter 177.74 0.5247
114 slr0521 Unknown protein 182.09 0.5446
115 sll0225 Unknown protein 184.23 0.5552
116 ssr0706 Unknown protein 186.55 0.4946
117 sll1074 Leucyl-tRNA synthetase 188.20 0.5717
118 sll0019 1-deoxy-d-xylulose 5-phosphate reductoisomerase 189.91 0.4894
119 slr0435 Biotin carboxyl carrier protein of acetyl-CoA carboxylase 191.03 0.5489
120 sll1633 Cell division protein FtsZ 192.51 0.5508
121 sll0378 Uroporphyrin-III C-methyltransferase 194.63 0.4577
122 slr0328 Low molecular weight phosphotyrosine protein phosphatase 195.16 0.5056
123 sll7043 Unknown protein 197.93 0.5242
124 slr0966 Tryptophan synthase alpha chain 199.87 0.5529
125 slr1992 Glutathione peroxidase-like NADPH peroxidase 200.48 0.5156
126 sll1324 ATP synthase B chain (subunit I) of CF(0) 201.84 0.5049
127 ssr2153 Unknown protein 206.57 0.4848
128 slr2101 Hypothetical protein 210.24 0.4827
129 sll0370 Carbamoyl-phosphate synthase, pyrimidine-specific, large chain 210.70 0.4945
130 sll0422 Asparaginase 212.98 0.5338
131 sll1036 Hypothetical protein 215.85 0.5294
132 slr0426 GTP cyclohydrolase I 216.40 0.5104
133 slr0073 Two-component sensor histidine kinase 219.21 0.4883
134 sll0689 Na+/H+ antiporter 219.25 0.4964
135 slr1722 Inosine-5'-monophosphate dehydrogenase 219.49 0.4679
136 sll0408 Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase 219.50 0.5302
137 sll0533 Trigger factor 221.23 0.5307
138 slr0955 Probable tRNA/rRNA methyltransferase 223.49 0.4627
139 slr0447 Periplasmic protein, ABC-type urea transport system substrate-binding protein 223.56 0.4648
140 slr1200 Urea transport system permease protein 225.46 0.4518
141 ssr2406 Unknown protein 225.48 0.4397
142 sll0248 Flavodoxin 226.77 0.3665
143 sll1315 Unknown protein 227.21 0.5015
144 slr1277 Pilus assembly protein homologous to general secretion pathway protein D 227.60 0.4626
145 sll1683 Lysine decarboxylase 227.71 0.5199
146 sll1077 Agmatinase 231.52 0.5399
147 sll2005 DNA gyrase B subunit [Contains: Ssp gyrB intein] 232.46 0.4913
148 slr1927 Hypothetical protein 234.04 0.4862
149 slr0077 Cysteine desulfurase 236.65 0.4923
150 slr0516 Hypothetical protein 239.59 0.5287
151 slr1334 Phosphoglucomutase/phosphomannomutase 240.70 0.5060
152 sll1775 Hypothetical protein 240.75 0.4957
153 sll0784 Nitrilase 245.00 0.4028
154 slr0082 Hypothetical protein 245.11 0.5280
155 sll2012 Group2 RNA polymerase sigma factor SigD 249.58 0.5254
156 sll1078 Putative hydrogenase expression/formation protein HypA 249.97 0.5192
157 sll0249 Hypothetical protein 250.65 0.3472
158 slr1289 Isocitrate dehydrogenase (NADP+) 251.28 0.4589
159 sll0703 Unknown protein 251.48 0.4929
160 slr0969 Precorrin methylase 251.61 0.5102
161 slr1348 Serine acetyltransferase 253.69 0.5056
162 sll1212 GDP-mannose 4,6-dehydratase 254.89 0.4970
163 slr1846 Hypothetical protein YCF64 256.00 0.4362
164 sll1475 A part of phytochrome-like sensor histidine kinase gene (disrupted by insertion of IS) 256.68 0.4709
165 sll1326 ATP synthase alpha chain 256.99 0.4567
166 sll1325 ATP synthase delta chain of CF(1) 257.03 0.4708
167 slr1780 Hypothetical protein YCF54 257.37 0.4659
168 slr0395 Nitrate assimilation transcriptional activator, LysR family protein 257.87 0.4649
169 sll0072 Hypothetical protein 260.42 0.5123
170 slr0109 Unknown protein 262.89 0.5337
171 slr0324 Probable oligopeptides ABC transporter permease protein 264.02 0.4514
172 slr1046 Putative TatA protein 267.48 0.4880
173 slr1827 Hypothetical protein 267.49 0.4568
174 slr0423 Hypothetical protein 269.21 0.5058
175 slr0528 UDP-N-acetylmuramoylalanyl-D-glutamate--2, 6-diaminopimelate ligase 269.65 0.5216
176 slr1875 Hypothetical protein 269.79 0.5181
177 slr1350 Acyl-lipid desaturase (delta 12) 274.00 0.4881
178 slr0017 UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 1-carboxyvinyltransferase 277.24 0.4716
179 slr0915 Putative endonuclease [encoded in trnfM-intron: 2791054 - 2791708] 277.24 0.4567
180 slr5056 Probable glycosyltransferase 277.80 0.4413
181 slr1646 Ribonuclease III 278.12 0.4761
182 sll1080 ABC transport system substrate-binding protein 278.19 0.3934
183 sll1457 Probable glycosyltransferase 281.42 0.4999
184 sll0328 Unknown protein 281.82 0.4696
185 slr1494 MDR (multidrug resistance) family ABC transporter 282.91 0.4674
186 slr1130 Ribonuclease HII 285.16 0.3711
187 slr0526 3-methyl-2-oxobutanoate hydroxymethyltransferase 286.87 0.4891
188 slr0883 Hypothetical protein 287.29 0.4496
189 slr0434 Elongation factor P 289.00 0.4784
190 sll0449 Unknown protein 291.03 0.4236
191 sll1321 Hypothetical protein 291.48 0.4458
192 slr1881 ATP-binding subunit of the ABC-type Nat permease for neutral amino acids 291.86 0.5062
193 slr5053 Unknown protein 291.91 0.4332
194 sll0262 Acyl-lipid desaturase (delta 6) 292.62 0.4531
195 sll0811 Unknown protein 297.14 0.4275
196 sll5043 Probable glycosyltransferase 297.76 0.4209
197 slr2135 Hydrogenase accessory protein HupE 298.77 0.4825
198 sll0371 Unknown protein 299.72 0.4318
199 sll0379 Acyl-[acyl-carrier-protein]--UDP-N-acetylglucosamine o-acyltransferase 301.52 0.4662
200 sll0517 Putative RNA binding protein 301.91 0.4565