Guide Gene

Gene ID
Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803
Platform ID
Hypothetical protein

Coexpressed Gene List

Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803
Rank Gene ID Description MR PCC
Guide slr0407 Hypothetical protein 0.00 1.0000
1 sll1393 Glycogen (starch) synthase 3.61 0.8559
2 sll0047 Hypothetical protein YCF12 4.24 0.8178
3 slr1315 Hypothetical protein 4.90 0.8122
4 slr0722 Hypothetical protein 5.00 0.8073
5 ssl5100 Hypothetical protein 11.09 0.8165
6 slr0186 2-isopropylmalate synthase 11.62 0.7968
7 sll8001 Hypothetical protein 13.67 0.7651
8 ssr0332 Hypothetical protein 15.87 0.8013
9 sml0002 Photosystem II PsbX protein 16.00 0.7969
10 sll1945 1-deoxyxylulose-5-phosphate synthase 16.91 0.7750
11 slr0313 Hypothetical protein 19.62 0.8004
12 ssl1255 Hypothetical protein 19.75 0.7954
13 sml0007 Photosystem II protein Y 21.91 0.7715
14 slr5116 Hypothetical protein 24.25 0.7775
15 sll0217 Flavoprotein 24.82 0.7718
16 sll1399 Hypothetical protein 25.48 0.7909
17 slr0315 Probable oxidoreductase 26.83 0.7616
18 ssl2064 Hypothetical protein 27.91 0.7619
19 slr1962 Probable extracellular solute-binding protein 28.34 0.6796
20 sll0810 Unknown protein 31.46 0.7623
21 sll1872 Transcriptional regulator 32.40 0.7573
22 ssr0755 Hypothetical protein 32.98 0.7303
23 sll1537 Similar to mutator MutT protein 33.41 0.7222
24 smr0010 Cytochrome b6-f complex subunit 5 36.44 0.7654
25 ssr2831 Photosystem I subunit IV 36.66 0.7417
26 sll1837 Periplasmic protein, function unknown 37.52 0.7565
27 slr1530 Hypothetical protein 37.82 0.7438
28 sml0003 Photosystem II reaction center M protein 39.12 0.7054
29 slr0789 Hypothetical protein 39.97 0.7090
30 slr0302 Unknown protein 41.53 0.7479
31 ssr2201 Unknown protein 42.78 0.7321
32 slr7059 Hypothetical protein 43.08 0.7332
33 sll0909 Unknown protein 44.09 0.7428
34 slr1717 Hypothetical protein 44.73 0.6672
35 sll1363 Ketol-acid reductoisomerase 46.99 0.7506
36 ssr2047 Hypothetical protein 47.18 0.7147
37 sll1110 Peptide chain release factor 1 47.43 0.7066
38 slr0875 Large-conductance mechanosensitive channel 49.32 0.6923
39 sll1233 Hypothetical protein 50.20 0.7505
40 slr0114 Putative PP2C-type protein phosphatase 52.31 0.7080
41 slr0608 Histidine biosynthesis bifunctional protein HisIE 53.74 0.6792
42 sll1262 Hypothetical protein 54.80 0.7263
43 slr2097 Cyanoglobin 55.18 0.6127
44 sll1534 Probable glycosyltransferase 57.36 0.7237
45 sll0698 Drug sensory protein A, low temperature sensor, two-component sensor histidine kinase 59.02 0.6751
46 slr1627 Unknown protein 59.74 0.6732
47 slr0976 Hypothetical protein 59.77 0.7181
48 ssl2789 Similar to resolvase 60.50 0.6947
49 slr7010 Unknown protein 61.43 0.7260
50 slr0758 Circadian clock protein KaiC homolog 62.74 0.7149
51 slr0084 Amidotransferase HisH 63.07 0.7167
52 ssr5121 Hypothetical protein 63.48 0.7311
53 sll1091 Geranylgeranyl hydrogenase 63.93 0.6910
54 slr0770 Hypothetical protein 64.98 0.6498
55 sll1455 Hypothetical protein 68.15 0.7026
56 sll0145 Ribosome releasing factor 68.97 0.6819
57 slr1982 Two-component response regulator CheY subfamily 69.39 0.7116
58 slr1047 Hypothetical protein 70.94 0.7221
59 slr1095 Hypothetical protein 74.62 0.6981
60 ssl1277 Putative transposase 75.31 0.7048
61 sml0005 Photosystem II PsbK protein 77.32 0.7067
62 ssr2061 Glutaredoxin 77.77 0.6810
63 slr0316 Hypothetical protein 78.13 0.7015
64 slr0452 Dihydroxyacid dehydratase 78.88 0.6310
65 sll1425 Proline-tRNA ligase 80.16 0.5860
66 slr1098 Hypothetical protein 80.68 0.6945
67 slr1163 Unknown protein 81.24 0.7163
68 sll0800 Hypothetical protein 81.95 0.7090
69 slr2030 Hypothetical protein 82.95 0.6752
70 slr5058 Hypothetical protein 83.72 0.7130
71 sll1435 Glutamyl-tRNA(Gln) amidotransferase subunit B 84.40 0.6197
72 sll0740 Hypothetical protein 84.62 0.6599
73 slr0559 Periplasmic binding protein of ABC transporter for natural amino acids 84.62 0.6788
74 sll7103 Exodeoxyribonuclease V, alpha chain 86.23 0.7054
75 slr1398 Unknown protein 86.62 0.6309
76 ssr0693 Unknown protein 90.99 0.5722
77 ssr0657 Hypothetical protein 91.32 0.6961
78 sll0149 Hypothetical protein 92.63 0.6140
79 sll0202 Glucose inhibited division protein 92.63 0.6424
80 sll1163 Unknown protein 92.63 0.7121
81 sll1205 Transcriptional regulator 95.01 0.6971
82 slr0573 Unknown protein 96.12 0.6169
83 ssr1528 Hypothetical protein 98.24 0.6262
84 ssl8010 Type I restriction-modification system, M subunit 98.71 0.6376
85 ssr3532 Unknown protein 98.73 0.6986
86 ssr3189 Hypothetical protein 101.11 0.6138
87 ssl3803 Hypothetical protein 102.26 0.6945
88 ssl2667 An assembly factor for iron-sulfur culsters 102.97 0.6392
89 sll7031 Hypothetical protein 106.56 0.6905
90 ssr1169 Stress induced hydrophobic peptide homolog 106.96 0.7016
91 sll0588 Unknown protein 107.98 0.6669
92 sll1098 Elongation factor EF-G 108.13 0.6758
93 slr0345 Unknown protein 109.60 0.6912
94 slr1788 Unknown protein 110.96 0.5965
95 slr1034 Hypothetical protein YCF41 111.67 0.6676
96 ssr6099 Unknown protein 114.07 0.6607
97 sll8048 Hypothetical protein 114.89 0.6670
98 sll7034 Hypothetical protein 114.90 0.6734
99 ssl0483 Hypothetical protein 116.62 0.6514
100 sll8002 Hypothetical protein 116.69 0.6599
101 ssl5098 Unknown protein 116.83 0.6794
102 slr0868 Unknown protein 117.61 0.5918
103 slr7016 Hypothetical protein 117.66 0.6920
104 slr2110 Unknown protein 117.73 0.6846
105 ssr1604 50S ribosomal protein L28 119.00 0.6570
106 slr1712 Hypothetical protein 123.00 0.5968
107 ssr7079 Unknown protein 124.96 0.6795
108 slr0624 UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 2-epimerase 125.86 0.6633
109 ssr2049 Unknown protein 126.15 0.6429
110 sll1501 Cobyrinic acid a,c-diamide synthase 126.25 0.6542
111 sll1355 Hypothetical protein 126.71 0.5991
112 slr0807 Probable o-sialoglycoprotein endopeptidase 127.15 0.6594
113 slr1559 Shikimate 5-dehydrogenase 127.33 0.6702
114 slr0319 Beta-lactamase 128.42 0.6864
115 slr0920 Mutator MutT protein 129.15 0.6337
116 ssr3307 Preprotein translocase SecG subunit 130.58 0.6567
117 ssr7017 Hypothetical protein 131.00 0.6784
118 sll1092 Hypothetical protein 132.06 0.6460
119 slr0212 5-methyltetrahydrofolate--homocysteine methyltransferase 138.53 0.6510
120 ssl0352 Hypothetical protein 140.23 0.6582
121 slr0978 Hypothetical protein 140.76 0.6040
122 sll1834 Hypothetical protein 142.58 0.6236
123 slr1847 Hypothetical protein 142.99 0.6166
124 sll0144 Uridine monophosphate kinase 143.00 0.6575
125 sll1636 Ferripyochelin binding protein 145.51 0.6026
126 slr0651 Hypothetical protein 145.51 0.6234
127 slr0649 Methionyl-tRNA synthetase 146.32 0.6367
128 slr1041 Two-component response regulator PatA subfamily 146.34 0.6255
129 slr2045 Zinc transport system permease protein 148.32 0.6277
130 sll1280 Hypothetical protein 150.06 0.6172
131 sll1204 Similar to macrolide efflux protein 152.04 0.6381
132 slr0944 Multidrug-efflux transporter 152.97 0.6094
133 smr0003 Cytochrome b6-f complex subunit PetM 154.96 0.6175
134 sll1994 Porphobilinogen synthase (5-aminolevulinate dehydratase) 155.54 0.6448
135 ssl1498 Hypothetical protein 156.79 0.6507
136 sll5086 Transcriptional regulatory protein GntR family 157.00 0.6689
137 slr1838 Carbon dioxide concentrating mechanism protein CcmK homolog 3, putative carboxysome assembly protein 157.97 0.6040
138 sll1165 DNA mismatch repair protein 157.98 0.5951
139 ssr2962 Hypothetical protein 158.37 0.6057
140 slr0306 Unknown protein 161.16 0.6418
141 slr6091 Unknown protein 162.23 0.6407
142 sll1691 Hypothetical protein 162.48 0.5768
143 sll8018 Hypothetical protein 163.95 0.6059
144 slr1598 Lipoic acid synthetase 165.35 0.6263
145 slr7061 Unknown protein 166.29 0.6284
146 slr1722 Inosine-5'-monophosphate dehydrogenase 167.87 0.5627
147 sll0868 Lipoic acid synthetase 168.30 0.5823
148 ssr2848 Unknown protein 169.96 0.5894
149 sll1244 50S ribosomal protein L9 170.06 0.6324
150 slr7083 Unknown protein 170.34 0.6491
151 sll1908 D-3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase 175.33 0.6464
152 ssr1175 Putative transposase [ISY100v: 3095975 - 3096319, join 3097194 - 3097362, join 3098314 - 3098743] 177.99 0.5999
153 sll5002 Unknown protein 179.25 0.6488
154 slr0658 Unknown protein 180.67 0.6258
155 slr0333 Unknown protein 181.28 0.5722
156 slr2094 Fructose-1,6-/sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphatase 181.38 0.5863
157 sll0018 Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase, class II 181.73 0.5963
158 slr1811 Hypothetical protein 182.21 0.5997
159 ssr8047 Unknown protein 182.25 0.5961
160 ssl2999 Hypothetical protein 182.61 0.5348
161 slr2118 Unknown protein 184.43 0.6404
162 slr1767 Hypothetical protein 185.13 0.5993
163 ssl2148 Hypothetical protein 186.02 0.6004
164 slr1910 Probable N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine amidase 186.09 0.4960
165 sll0481 Unknown protein 187.96 0.5841
166 sll1873 Unknown protein 188.40 0.5957
167 ssr1425 Hypothetical protein YCF34 188.89 0.5666
168 ssl5027 Hypothetical protein 189.15 0.5767
169 slr0724 HtaR suppressor protein homolog 190.51 0.5414
170 sll1630 Unknown protein 191.74 0.5682
171 slr1084 Unknown protein 192.03 0.5941
172 slr0864 ATP-binding protein of ABC transporter 192.88 0.6253
173 sll0542 Acetyl-coenzyme A synthetase 193.56 0.5299
174 sll1750 Urease alpha subunit 194.07 0.6224
175 sll0080 N-acetyl-gamma-glutamyl-phosphate reductase 195.44 0.6156
176 ssl6077 Unknown protein 195.53 0.6365
177 sll1398 Photosystem II reaction center 13 kDa protein 195.95 0.6123
178 ssl0331 Hypothetical protein 196.42 0.5858
179 sll0847 Unknown protein 196.45 0.6098
180 ssr1274 Unknown protein 196.94 0.5251
181 slr7100 Unknown protein 200.22 0.6009
182 slr0469 30S ribosomal protein S4 202.25 0.5929
183 slr0261 NADH dehydrogenase subunit 7 202.47 0.6103
184 sll1408 Transcriptional regulator 202.58 0.5645
185 sll0183 Hypothetical protein 203.40 0.5812
186 slr1020 Sulfolipid biosynthesis protein SqdB 204.49 0.5741
187 sll0624 Unknown protein 205.12 0.6055
188 sll7029 Hypothetical protein 207.65 0.6049
189 slr6056 Probable transcriptional regulator 207.98 0.5946
190 sll1041 Similar to sulfate transport ATP-binding protein CysA 208.06 0.5820
191 slr1828 Ferredoxin, petF-like protein 208.34 0.6023
192 ssr2998 Hypothetical protein 208.59 0.5860
193 sml0001 Photosystem II reaction center PsbI protein 210.40 0.5885
194 ssr1765 Hypothetical protein 212.37 0.6339
195 sll0220 L-glutamine:D-fructose-6-P amidotransferase 212.47 0.5717
196 ssl0563 Photosystem I subunit VII 212.51 0.5609
197 ssr3451 Cytochrome b559 alpha subunit 212.98 0.5940
198 ssr6046 Hypothetical protein 215.72 0.5646
199 slr7080 Unknown protein 215.85 0.5664
200 slr0732 Hypothetical protein 215.92 0.5709